Exam highlights

  • Earn your Certification

    Successfully pass the exam to receive your official Certificate of Proficiency, marking your expertise in your field.

  • Online examination

    Experience the convenience of a 60-minute online examination.

  • Immediate results

    On success, results and certification are delivered immediately

Discover your potential, starting today


  • What is the purpose of this exam?

    This certification exam is designed to assess your proficiency in working with AnswerModules Module Suite, in order to allow us to officially certify your skills.

  • Does this course include any other material in addition to the exam?

    No, this course is only meant to deliver the final exam. The study material is covered by the other Module Suite Foundation courses available on this site.

  • How is the exam delivered?

    The exam is delivered through our online testing application

  • What are the topics covered by the exam?

    The exam covers the following topics: Module Suite General Knowledge (5 questions), Content Script (15 questions), Beautiful WebForms (15 questions), Smart Pages (15 questions).

  • How many times may I attempt the exam in case of failure?

    You will have up to a maximum of three attempts to obtain your certification. Note that the exam questions are randomized and might differ across different attempts.

  • What type of questions are included in the examination?

    The question types include: Multiple Choice, Multiple Selection, True/False, Matching

  • How much time do I have to complete the exam?

    You will have 1 hour to answer the questions. The timer starts when the first question is visualized.

  • How is the final score calculated?

    In order to successfully pass the exam, the student will have to achieve an overall score of 80% correct answers. Additionally, each main section (Content Script, Beautiful WebForms, Smart Pages) has a 75% success threshold.

  • Should I fail on a single section and obtain a perfect score on all others, will I pass the exam?

    No. Falling under the threshold on a single section will result in an overall failed attempt, regardless of the results in the other sections.